
The Funtoo Linux project has transitioned to "Hobby Mode" and this wiki is now read-only.


From Funtoo
Revision as of 06:47, October 21, 2014 by Drobbins (talk | contribs)
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Funtoo Linux is a Linux-based operating system that is a variant of Gentoo Linux, led by Daniel Robbins, the creator and former Chief Architect of Gentoo Linux, who serves as benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) of the project. Project priorities include focusing on developing production-ready technology, finding creative solutions to problems, and most importantly, creating a fun, user-centric community for all.

Support Funtoo to help our project grow! Donate $15 per month and get a free Funtoo Virtual Container.


Ego-2.2.0 Released

2017-10-18 by

Latest Innovations

This news item documents the latest innovations now available under Funtoo Linux.
2017-09-07 by Drobbins


View the Funtoo Linux FAQ for answers to common questions.

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Join us - Create a Funtoo account, and then add yourself to our Usermap!

Our resources: -- also see the Go menu:

Getting Started

We encourage you to install Funtoo Linux, and get involved in our user community. Get to know fellow Funtoo Linux users on our forums. If you have any improvements or find any bugs in Funtoo Linux, you are strongly encouraged to report them on our bug tracker. We take all bugs seriously, and all work performed on Funtoo Linux is tracked on our bug tracker, for purposes of transparency.

Funtoo Linux has a very active IRC community on Freenode, in the #funtoo channel, and you are encouraged to hang out online with us.

Expand the wiki!

The How to 'wiki' will help get you started on wiki editing. Have a look at Requested-Documents and pages that need to be updated.

See Ebuilds for a list of all ebuild pages, and Adding an Ebuild to the Wiki for information on how to add one.

Ebuild pages recently updated: {{#ask: | order=descending | sort=Modification date | format=list | limit=10 | searchlabel=more... }}


Funtoo Linux packages are installed from source code, automatically, thanks to the Portage ports system, inspired by the FreeBSD ports system, but written in Python and with full advanced package management functionality. Funtoo Linux is a meta-distribution, which means it is built (fully automatically) with the functionality and optimizations that you want, not what some distro maintainer thought was best for you.

We use Git for all our development, and we also use Git to deliver our ports tree to you.

In contrast to Gentoo Linux, we offer a number of innovations, including our extensive use of git, our profile system, boot-update boot management tool, our incredibly flexible template-based networking scripts, Metro distribution build system, support of Debian, RHEL and other kernels, enhanced Python support, Portage mini-manifests, user-centric distribution model, and a large number of community infrastructure improvements.



GNOME 3.12 (without systemd, because that's how we roll.)

Note: Badgers optional. |slideImage=File:gnome3122.jpg|slideLink=GNOME First Steps}} {{#subobject:|slideIndex=1|slideCaption=


flux box |slideImage=File:fluxbox-09.02.14.jpg}} {{#subobject:|slideIndex=2|slideCaption=


Awesome WM |slideImage=File:awesome.jpg|slideLink=Package:Awesome (Window Manager)}} {{#subobject:|slideIndex=3|slideCaption=


KDE |slideImage=File:anak1n-kde.jpg}}