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Funtoo:User Services/Containers

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One of the unique aspects of the Funtoo community is that we allow supporters of Funtoo to use our compute infrastructure. Our compute infrastructure is based on Funtoo Linux and LXD, a very capable and production-ready container-based compute platform that scales incredibly well. It provides you with a 'virtual' Funtoo environment, but gives you native, bare-metal performance and is capable of hosting various workloads, such as Web server, database, game servers and more. Here's some information about our 3rd-generation compute platform:

TechnologyLXD 5.6+
Linux Kerneldebian-sources-6.x
StorageZFS on SSD, BTRFS on SSD available for Docker (please request)

Now you can follow our exact deployment steps to build your own compute cluster. See the following pages for more information on how to set up LXD under Funtoo Linux. We use a similar setup in production, except that we use a dedicated network/bridge as well as dedicated storage volumes for storing containers:

Build Something Beautiful

If you support Funtoo Linux, we also want to support you in your Funtoo Linux adventure. Support Funtoo Linux at a level of $15/mo and receive a Funtoo Linux virtual container. Here are the configurations currently being offered:

PriceRAMCPU ThreadsDisk Space
$15/mo4GB8 Cores60GB
$30/mo8GB16 Cores120GB
$45/mo16GB24 Cores240GB

To sign up, email and let us know your funtoo username, specify your desired container size, hostname (, and public SSH key. You'll receive a secure link to set up your recurring payment. I will then deploy your container.

As you can see, this pricing is well below market rates, and includes fast SSD (solid state disk) storage, one IPv4/IPv6 address, and lots of bandwidth. We believe that by enabling you to do great things with Funtoo Linux, our community and technology will benefit. So we see this as a win for everyone.

Container FAQ

How do I sign up?
Email requesting your container be set up, specifying the plan you want, your funtoo username, and attach a SSH public key (do not include a private key!) that you'd like to use for root logins to your container. Also specify the hostname you'd like to use, if you did not specify one on the signup page. See Generating SSH Keys below for info on generating an SSH public key if you need assistance with this. We will send you a link to a secure signup form that you can use to enter your credit card or PayPal payment information.
Where are your servers located?
Our servers are located in the southwest United States.
Do I get root access?
Yes, you get full root access to your container.
Can I reboot my container?
Yes, reboot normally and it will come back up.
Can I start or stop my container?
Yes -- soon via our upcoming Web control panel.

Let me know you want to do this as it needs to be enabled.

Do you have IPv6? Yes, IPv6 is available on all containers.
Can I use Docker inside my container?
Yes, but we recommend you request a BTRFS filesystem and also use a "medium"-size container or larger, unless your Docker containers will be fairly minimal.
Can I use LXD inside my container, so I can have containers inside my container?
Yes. See LXD.
Can I use KVM inside my container? Yes -- but you need to let me know so I can enable this.
Do you back up my container?
No, I do not back up your container for you. You are responsible for backing up your own data. If you need help setting this up, contact us and we can suggest some approaches.
What will be the hostname of my container?
It will be
Can I also point my DNS to the container's IP address, so I can use another hostname?
Yes, of course.
Can you set up reverse DNS?
Yes -- this is not done by default, but if you need it, I can get it set up for you.
How much bandwidth is really included?
For most typical uses of your container, this is not something you need to worry about. Containers are on servers with a gigabit uplink. Our bandwidth plan is set up so that everyone should have lots of burstable bandwidth, assuming light use at other times. If you have continuous high bandwidth needs, please email us at to discuss first.
How do I upgrade the kernel in my VPS?
A virtual container shares a kernel with the host, so you do not have the ability to change the kernel from "inside" the container.
Can I set up my own firewall?
Yes, it is possible to use iptables from within your container.
Can I set up OpenVPN in my container?
Yes, quite a few people do this. We will need to enable the proper device support to enable this, so please request this if needed.
Is it okay to host a game server?
Yes, many people do.
Is it okay to run Folding@Home, Hentai@Home, or other services that continually consume CPU (coin generation) or donate CPU power or bandwidth to other services?
No, this is not okay. The CPU and network resources provided to you are for your own use only and are not to be donated to other projects without approval from us first or used to mine crypto.
Is it okay to use my container to be a compute-focused server for another Open Source project?
Check with us first. Most of the time, this will be okay, unless CPU and/or IO utilization will be very high and continuous, and thus unsuitable for shared computing resources.
Is it okay to host commercial efforts on my container?
Yes, this is fine, as long as you assume full responsibility for the quality of service. Funtoo containers are provided with no service level agreements or warranty.

Generating SSH Keys

To generate an SSH key pair, do this as the user that you'll be using to log in to your container:

user $ ssh-keygen -t rsa 

If you specify a passphrase when prompted, your local private key (~/.ssh/id_rsa) will be encrypted, and ssh will prompt you for this passphrase prior to connecting. If you don't specify a passphrase, then you won't need to enter anything to connect but it you need to be extra careful that you don't allow others to access your private key as it will be immediately useable by them to access any of your accounts.

The file you will need to send us is ~/.ssh/ or ~/.ssh/ (if you used the -t dsa option with ssh-keygen. This is the public key... it's safe to send over email since all I or anyone else can use it for is to grant you access to a system via your private key. Just don't send your private key to us. :)



We will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, give out or sell your information to anyone.

We use only companies which practice secure processing of online funds so that you, as a client or supporter, can be assured that your private information will be safe and secure.


For Funtoo Monthly Support, if you wish to change your support level or cancel your support, simply contact us and we will apply the changes to take effect before the next billing cycle. Monthly Support is non-refundable.


To change your subscription, or if you have any questions regarding your subscription, please contact container support at

VPS Usage Rules


Please read these policies and make sure you understand them. This is not an exhaustive list.

The VPS is for your personal use. No reselling.

There is currently no Web panel - these servers will be set up using my own automated tool and you will be provided with ssh access. We can periodically reload VPS images as needed.

This service is offered as a thank-you gift to Funtoo Linux supporters as long as sufficient capacity is available, with no warranty for uptime or anything else.

There are no refunds.

While I host several production sites on this infrastructure, you assume all risk for hosting your production services on your VPS.

We will make a best-effort-only attempt to provide support via Discord/Telegram and email via the alias.

US-Legal activities only. No spam will be tolerated.

These VPS systems are intended for funtoo enthusiasts only. I am providing (particularly in the higher-level plans) generous default resource limits with the understanding that the VPS will be used for general Funtoo use and server stuff.

Compiling with -j(NUM-CPUS+1) is encouraged (this is Funtoo, after all -- I want you to enjoy fast compiles :), but it's not okay to continually max CPU, IO, or network utilization. So, no folding@home, massive file sharing, etc.

You are responsible for backups.

We reserve the right to change plans and pricing in the future.