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Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration on Unix and Linux systems.
Webmin uses Perl, so
root # emerge perl
There are 2 methods of installing Webmin on your Funtoo server: emerging it from the Gentoo ebuild or manual installation. By default Webmin installs itself in /ect/webmin
Gentoo has version 1.730 in the repository so installing that is fairly straightforward:
root # emerge webmin
After installation Webmin needs to be started manually with the following command:
root # sh ./etc/webmin/start
Next, start a browser and go to the Webmin page at https://localhost:10000 if you accepted all default settings. Go to the Webmin configuration pages in the menu and tell Webmin to start at boot. Make sure you save the new settings!
Manual Installation
Although the 1.730 version offered by the Gentoo ebuild will suffice for most users, it does keeps nagging about a newer version available. Manually installing from the source tar ball resolves that, at least until the next release. ;-) Webmin has documented the process on their own wiki:
As above, start Webmin manually then ensure it does so from boot.
Needs expansion.