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Lightdm is a light display manager. It's an excellent alternative to gdm, & kdm. Lightdm is used in conjunction with x11-apps/xdm.


root # emerge lightdm


Lightdm is configured with /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, and /etc/conf.d/xdm. By default, lightdm ships with lightdm-gtk-greeter which is controlled by /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf

You'll need to edit the folloing file to tell the system which display manager to use. Change the xdm file to the following:

   /etc/conf.d/xdm - xdm configuration to use lightdm

If you want the user to type in the username, you can set these options.

   /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf - to make users manually enter the user name


LightDM will be pretty useless for graphical logins with out the addition of a greeter for it.

For GTK fans:

root # emerge x11-misc/lightdm-gtk-greeter

for KDE fans:

root # emerge x11-misc/lightdm-kde

To start LightDM on boot, add dbus & xdm to the default runlevel. dbus may already be added.

root # rc-update add xdm default
root #rc-update add dbus default

If you wish to change the background, you can follow these settings:

For LightDM GTK+ greeter edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf:


LightDM should display on reboot, which you may want to do now.