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Guia de Instalación: Perfiles

Install Guide, Chapter 17 < Prev Next >

Una vez que haz reiniciado Funtoo Linux, puedes ajustar más tu sistema a tus necesidades usando Funtoo Profiles. Abajo se incluye una breve introducción a los perfiles - consulta la página Funtoo Profiles para información más detallada. Hay cinco tipos básicos de perfiles: arch, build, subarch, flavors y mix-ins.

arch x86-32bit o x86-64bit, esto define el tipo de procesador y soporte para tu sistema. Esto es definido cuando su stage fue construido y NO deberá ser cambiado.
buildDefine si su sistema es de la construccion current, stable or experimental. Todas las construcciones Funtoo Linux usan la construccion funtoo-current.
subarchDefine optimizaciones para el CPU de su sistema. El subarch es definido al momento de que el stage3 es construido pero luego puede ser cambiado de ser necesario.Asegurese de elegir una configuracion que sea compatible con el CPU de su sistema.
flavorDefine el tipo de sistema en general, si es server or desktop, y definirá los valores USE por defecto apropiados para su sistema.
mix-insDefine varias configuraciones opcionales las cuales le podría interesar.

Para cada sistema Funtoo Linux deben escogerse una arquitectura, rama y sabor, mientras que las combinaciones son opcionales y puede habilitar más de una si lo desea. Con frecuencia, los sabores y las combinaciones heredan los ajustes de otros sub-perfiles. Utilice epro show para ver los ajustes actuales de su perfil, además de cualquier información heredada:

(chroot) #  epro show

Se recomienda que ejecute este comando ahora, aun más si está utilizando la imágen de instalación con gnome, para que pueda familiarizarse con la configuración de perfiles actual de su sistema.

root # epro show

=== Enabled Profiles: ===

        arch:  x86-64bit
       build:  current
     subarch:  intel64-haswell
      flavor:  desktop
     mix-ins:  gnome

=== All inherited flavors from desktop flavor: ===

                     workstation (from desktop flavor)
                            core (from workstation flavor)
                         minimal (from core flavor)

=== All inherited mix-ins from desktop flavor: ===

                               X (from workstation flavor)
                           audio (from workstation flavor)
                             dvd (from workstation flavor)
                           media (from workstation flavor)
      mediadevice-audio-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-audio-consumer mix-in)
      mediadevice-video-consumer (from media mix-in)
                mediadevice-base (from mediadevice-video-consumer mix-in)
        mediaformat-audio-common (from media mix-in)
          mediaformat-gfx-common (from media mix-in)
        mediaformat-video-common (from media mix-in)
                  console-extras (from workstation flavor)
                           print (from desktop flavor)

He aquí algunos ejemplos básicos de uso de epro:

Ver perfiles disponibles. Los perfiles habilitados estarán resaltados en cyan. Los perfiles activados directamente estarán en negrita y tendrán un * anexado.
(chroot) # epro list
Cambiar el sabor del sistema.
(chroot) # epro flavor desktop
Agregar un mix-in.
(chroot) # epro mix-in +gnome

Graphics Settings


The gnome install image will have additional graphic support already enabled for you, but you will still need to set up X and your display manager (covered in the next section.)

Funtoo Linux 1.4 features the following mix-ins to allow simplified configuration of your graphics settings. It's recommended to use these mix-ins rather than manually placing USE and VIDEO_CARDS settings in /etc/make.conf. You can learn more about Funtoo's graphics configuration and the design approach of these settings at the make.conf/VIDEO_CARDS page.

Funtoo Graphics Mix-Ins

This mix-in is equivalent to gfxcard-intel-classic or gfxcard-intel-iris, depending on the release you're running. Currently, it defaults to gfxcard-intel-classic on 1.4-release and to gfxcard-intel-classic on Next release. Do not enable more than 1 gfxcard-intel* mix-in at the same time. The result is not what you might expect.
This mix-in enables Intel graphics support based on the older i915 mesa driver (not to be confused with the i915 kernel driver). Choose this if you have a Gen3 or older chipset.
This mix-in enables Intel graphics support for cards with glamor modesetting support (drivers i965 or iris), including support OpenGL ES (>=Gen4) and OpenCL and Vulkan (>=Gen7) and video acceleration where available. If your card is >=Gen5, do an emerge libva-intel-driver or emerge media-libs/libva-intel-media-driver (for >=Gen8) afterwards to ensure you have full video acceleration support.
This mix-in enables support for modern Radeon cards, Southern Islands -- GFX Core 6 (see this reference) and greater. Includes Vulkan and video acceleration where available. Drivers are built for both the Gallium framework (modern replacement for DRI framework) and DRI framework. Glamor is used to accelerate 2D operations.
This mix-in enables support for modern Radeon cards, R600 through Northern Islands -- GFX Core 4 and 5 (see this reference). Drivers are built for the Gallium framework (modern replacement for DRI framework) as well as DRI framework. Glamor is used to accelerate 2D operations.
Use this mix-in to enable support for R300 up to (but not including) R600 Radeon cards -- -- GFX Core 3 (see this reference). DRI as well as Gallium-based drivers are enabled.
Use this mix-in to enable support pre-R300 cards -- GFX Core 1 and 2 (see this reference). These drivers are DRI-based.
Use this to enable support for proprietary NVIDIA drivers. You will also need to emerge nvidia-kernel-modules, blacklist nouveau and add yourself to the video group. See this documentation for more details. Note that Funtoo now has two catpkgs for NVIDIA proprietary graphics -- nvidia-drivers and nvidia-kernel-modules -- to aid the use of NVIDIA acceleration on containers.
Proprietary NVIDIA drivers like above, but the legacy version of the driver that supports older hardware. See and browse the specific driver version that emerge is installing to get detailed compatibility information.
Use this mix-in to enable support for Open Source nouveau drivers.

Enable the appropriate graphics options for your hardware as follows:

root # epro mix-in +gfxcard-intel

Once this has been done, proceed to set up X, KDE, GNOME or another desktop environment on your system, as desired. See the next section for more information on this.

Install Guide, Chapter 17 < Prev Next >