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Package:IBus Table
IBus Table
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The ibus-table family of packages provides table based input for languages such as the many Chinese languages, Japanese, Korean and more. In Funtoo we currently have 4 tables:
- ibus-table - The main table
- ibus-table-chinese - For Chinese languages
- ibus-table-extraphrase - Additional phrases for Chinese languages
- ibus-table-others - Tables for other languages
The ibus-table package is the base framework for the other tables and because of this it doesn't provide any input methods, instead the packages listed above extend and add their own ones using the ibus-table interface
To install ibus-table run:
root # emerge ibus-table
The ibus-table-chinese package provides a multitude of different input method for Chinese languages. Here is a list of them:
- Array30 (行列30輸入法)
- Cangjie3 (倉頡輸入法第三代)
- Cangjie5 (倉頡輸入法第五代)
- Cangjie Big (倉頡輸入法大字集)
- Cantonese Pinyin (廣東拼音輸入法)
- Canton HK (港式廣東話輸入法)
- Jyutping (粵語拼音輸入法)
- Easy Big (輕鬆輸入法大字集)
- Erbi (二笔)
- Erbi QS (二笔青松)
- Quick 3 (速成輸入法第三代)
- Quick 5 (速成輸入法第五代)
- Quick Classic (速成輸入法古典版)
- Smart Cangjie 6 (快速倉頡輸入法第六代)
- Stroke5 (筆順五碼)
- Wu (吳語輸入法)
- Wubi-Heifeng86 (海峰五筆86)
- Yong (永码)
To install ibus-table-chinese, simply run:
root # emerge ibus-table-chinese
then head over to ibus-setup's Input Method tab, click on the Add button on the side panel, click Chinese and scroll trough the list == ibus-table-extraphrase The ibus-table-extraphrase package provides a large database of additional phrases for the input methods in ibus-table-chinese
Installing and using it is as easy as running:
root # emerge ibus-table-extraphrase
and running
user $ ibus restart
to restart your IME
The ibus-table-others package provides support for the following input methods:
- CNS11643
- Compose
- Emoji
- LaTex
- Mathwriter
- RussianTraditional
- Telex
- Thai
- Translit
- Ua-Translit
- Viqr
- Yawerty
To install ibus-table-others, simply run:
root # emerge ibus-table-others
then head over to ibus-setup's Input Method tab, click on the Add button on the side panel, and filter for whatever input method you want to use from the list