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Funtoo User Services/Mottainai Project
- geaaru
- siris
Mottainai Server now has a Community Mode to help on sharing results of the executed tasks for testing/QA. Mottainai Dashboard v0.2.4 has been released.
25 April 2022
MottainaiCI is a young CD/CI Service that is born under the Sabayon umbrella and now want be part of the Funtoo world. It permits to integrate tasks or pipelines over LXD containers or Docker containers. It's used by the Macaroni project to manage the creation of the binaries packages used by luet.
One of the mission of this project is to create a catalog of Mottainai specs related to tasks and pipelines that the users can be uses to verify their fixes before open a PR, etc.
Staff Howto
The mottainai CI uses API REST with a Token to manage the tasks/pipelines to execute.
1. Create User
So, the first thing to do is the creation of the your user inside the Mottainai Funtoo instance at https://mottainaici.funtoo/ over the Sign In button.
2. Create Token
After completed the registration over the User icon, select the button <user> -> API Token menu and then create the token with the `New Token` button.
3. Install and Setup CLI
In this moment, there isn't the ebuild for the `mottainai-cli` tool and the faster way to start is follow these steps and install the package with luet:
funtoo # wget -O ./ funtoo # sh ./ funtoo # luet i -y dev-util/mottainai-cli
In alternative you can just compile the cli from code (probably it's better the develop branch):
funtoo # git clone -b develop funtoo # cd mottainai-server funtoo # make build-cli funtoo # sudo cp mottainai-cli/mottainai-cli /usr/bin
At the moment, the internal mottainai service is exposed with a self-signed certificate, so it's needed execute this command to use the mottainai-cli:
funtoo # echo " -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIGEjCCA/qgAwIBAgIUUY+gvV+n7tzpNrNJtr0UFQjPkagwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwgY4xCzAJBgNVBAYTAklUMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVFYXJ0aDEOMAwGA1UEBwwFSXRh bHkxITAfBgNVBAsMGE1vdHRhaW5haUNJIE9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjEaMBgGA1UEAwwR Ki5tb3R0YWluYWkubG9jYWwxIDAeBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEWdlYWFydUBmdW50b28u b3JnMB4XDTIyMDIyODE5MjI0OVoXDTMwMDUxNzE5MjI0OVowgY4xCzAJBgNVBAYT AklUMQ4wDAYDVQQIDAVFYXJ0aDEOMAwGA1UEBwwFSXRhbHkxITAfBgNVBAsMGE1v dHRhaW5haUNJIE9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjEaMBgGA1UEAwwRKi5tb3R0YWluYWkubG9j YWwxIDAeBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEWdlYWFydUBmdW50b28ub3JnMIICIjANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtm3dr2or+522/Rpr9rA5VwvUhZ3IHridVV3n VCtqRl7wVcuP38qnY2G8KyNzOWW7A4J71R9+fXYrDK/GQTXTXXYe5JEcL4AOPkkw 9grE6lfn0R608Pf1Pp3g8xP2qijv2Gg58MFmu+5ROsLM6r5K96/ZynVVOZUw/Q7v uA93s6PBociiC1QHFvMb1nVh6TOpy6o80fZxBsb26ska0rvfXJxDB2uu2IdyTgTM 2MFmLprKS77j640xNnRO0ahH4QMwtEgPTIUIgQ7RnsBp/iGpczj2MTiHU/iHaHub zb1biPQaKKYIq16lgW4RylbexNgrKQlAXdSstmprzl7DKzsqjUAV8pFM2A6t3bbw QF7dybWFOsDE6cV8oo2UjpUnKuPDZlYdKbolqx9OIaeVO36/WqdwR+WdaTZ7ps4t NOGbqpyLw59VUCrzGkLOpHbTszBMwxv7918ULbzwJbLvSr87ziPSK8nRP7+2RN7z seaKQ97GKC4y/d+85e2bERfs0B3rjWH1KbJwTtaXhuj1uyao+VnUm4Xz3zUhuhtm a4FWr2xI3WqWOcfhWqg7/+fX9sAa4c+Ec6RyvxZ6IP68d2mWuRIij2+GWnIR8ioL VMFoW2ZtpoJmJ4wOrqUq66m5qWIoaiHnOGZLSYOUGqSgIBoY6AYYHiRkYPws1Tbm yd62yecCAwEAAaNmMGQwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgTwMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsGAQUFBwMB BggrBgEFBQcDAjA2BgNVHREELzAtghEqLm1vdHRhaW5haS5sb2NhbIISbW90dGFp bmFpY2kuZnVudG9vhwSsEwNkMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBznDBKDE1KCEKq De3AKpJTZgSSzEbDn+2ZL8uCIcM8m7H1vsWbw6G7w545eapSEr5mM0bF8tNAH+YZ 5+Dmxs37YiI07Gh2K/lCY//ApteSu+OGAbF41LPYdAR0W1XfBiNhoa42jhUJ6qKt 5gHP3O+6/gzSt6mr1BPHXwKo8e6ttOh+dmRazMBlDozPCwRcKGXoBfqHriP9Jv5O wWWJbr5N+cTUru7f10+QtUUXbkOQR7WVx2YKYYPCpci0by7YrfAKCkpBpi+yQ8gg yImJLe1eQxvQ46SuR0rTypAWfgIJrf5ItOaY+PifEMlt0s1PeQ/hFcQvik9xxsGi MAFJn21zmLZnasS1CgSioBhma1JqPDg8sRL7Z2Bw41xqjQDoMqcCcBgXKpdLoK9v 9mk7EoOWpRcChEeRc97TLRdSFgwM4m3GIGfpngHWr5bLuZ8/21ZZMXcYTsGGNDKn S8eTa9bIO9rBi69IPmQhex2B1TQRNBUulWc/Ez7zx90n7+lCe6BwmFpLyHRS6piL h+woxjs0pix7Zw94PJP/G3kBAMvi54//MLhToO1vHRM7j++JGyDFx1e92Vy8NT6T +5npWY43OIg4+QCCxzt9vwZ3liFgzKqgpfAWWIlBejjRYSTcZSKrpNFkC5Qqe5Xy 2OtKgpBqAnTjYoGpPngQuSiqJLLUfQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----" > /etc/ssl/certs/mottainaici-funtoo.crt
When the tool is installed it's possible to use the CLI in different ways:
a) To pass the server URL and token from CLI directly:
funtoo # mottainai-cli -m https://mottainaici.funtoo/mottainai -k <TOKEN> <command>
b) Create a profile with this command:
funtoo # mottainai-cli profile create funtoo https://mottainaici.funtoo/mottainai <MY-TOKEN>
In the example the name of the profile is `funtoo`.
The creation of the profile permit to use the `mottainai-cli` then in these ways:
funtoo # mottainai-cli task list -p funtoo funtoo # export MOTTAINAI_CLI_PROFILE=funtoo && mottainai-cli task list
4. Create your first task
It's now time to create your first task and check your setup.
funtoo # echo " name: \"My first task\" type: lxd image: macaroni/funtoo-builder script: - env - echo \"Helloworld!\" " > mytask.yaml funtoo # mottainai-cli task create --yaml mytask.yaml
and then to attach the terminal to the running task:
funtoo # mottainai-cli task attach <ID>
or if the task is completed:
funtoo # mottainai-cli log <ID>