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Funtoo Linux:Current events

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This page has been proposed for deletion because it does not meet the Editing Guidelines.
If you disagree, please discuss it here.


Extension:RSS -- Error: "http://www.funtoo.org/atom.xml%7Ctemplate=Updateentry%7Cmax=5%7Ctitle=none%7Cdate_format=d M Y" is not in the list of allowed feeds. https://forums.funtoo.org/forum/5-news-and-announcements.xml/ is the only allowed feed.


Extension:RSS -- Error: "http://blog.funtoo.org/feeds/posts/default%7Ctemplate=Updateentry%7Cmax=5%7Ctitle=none%7Cdate_format=d M Y" is not in the list of allowed feeds. https://forums.funtoo.org/forum/5-news-and-announcements.xml/ is the only allowed feed.


Extension:RSS -- Error: "http://forums.funtoo.org/extern.php?action=feed&type=atom%7Ctemplate=Updateentry%7Cmax=5%7Ctitle=none%7Cdate_format=d M Y" is not in the list of allowed feeds. https://forums.funtoo.org/forum/5-news-and-announcements.xml/ is the only allowed feed.