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Help:Funtoo Editing Guidelines/Tables

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Instead of using traditional MediaWiki table wikitext, use the following format:

<tr class="info"><th>Header 1</th><th>Header 2</th></tr>
<tr><td>Value 1</td><td>Value 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Value 3</td><td>Value 4</td></tr>

This will render as follows:

Header 1Header 2
Value 1Value 2
Value 3Value 4

Some helper macros are now available which make it easier to define two and three-column tables. Use 2Col for normal two-column row, 2ColHead for 2-column header, and 3Col for 3-column row and 3ColHead for 3-column header:

{{2Col|{{c|arch}}|One arch profile is enabled, at build time, and is not changed. This defines CPU architecture-specific settings.}}
{{2Col|{{c|subarch}}|One subarch profile is typically enabled at build time, and defines the CPU optimizations in use.}}
{{2Col|{{c|build}}|One build profile is enabled, at build time, and is generally not changed. It defines the type of build, such as {{c|current}} or {{c|stable}}, and associated settings.}}
{{2Col|{{c|flavor}}|One flavor is enabled per system, and can be changed by the user. This defines the general use of the system, such as {{c|minimal}}, {{c|core}}, {{c|workstation}} or {{c|desktop}}}}
{{2Col|{{c|mix-ins}}|Zero or more mix-ins can be enabled that enable settings specific to a particular subset of features, such as {{c|gnome}}, {{c|kde}}, {{c|media}}, {{c|mate}}, {{c|X}}, {{c|hardened}}.}}

Which renders as follows:

archOne arch profile is enabled, at build time, and is not changed. This defines CPU architecture-specific settings.
subarchOne subarch profile is typically enabled at build time, and defines the CPU optimizations in use.
buildOne build profile is enabled, at build time, and is generally not changed. It defines the type of build, such as current or stable, and associated settings.
flavorOne flavor is enabled per system, and can be changed by the user. This defines the general use of the system, such as minimal, core, workstation or desktop
mix-insZero or more mix-ins can be enabled that enable settings specific to a particular subset of features, such as gnome, kde, media, mate, X, hardened.

This table syntax has an added benefit of creating a responsive table that renders properly on mobile devices.

It is possible to use the following CSS classes with tr (rows) and td/th elements to color them as desired:

Class Name