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Install Guide: All Done!

Install Guide, Chapter 18 < Prev

If you are brand new to Funtoo Linux and Gentoo Linux, please check out Funtoo Linux First Steps, which will help get you acquainted with your new system.


If you are using the gnome install image, please see the "A few finishing touches" section of the GNOME setup docs in order to continue setting up your graphical environment.

You may also be interested in the following resources:

  • Chroot_and_Containers setting up 32 bit containers to run wine, and STEAM.
  • Security - tips for securing your system
  • Btrfs - a simple guide for setting up btrfs on your new Funtoo Linux system.
  • official documentation, which includes all docs that we officially maintain for installation and operation of Funtoo Linux.

We also have a number of pages dedicated to setting up your system. See the First Steps Category for a list of these pages.

If your system did not boot correctly, see Installation Troubleshooting for steps you can take to resolve the problem.

Install Guide, Chapter 18 < Prev