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Accurate System Time (NTP)

It's important that your Funtoo Linux system has an accurate clock. NTP (network time protocol) can ensure your clock is accurate at all time.

The recommended NTP client/server is net-misc/chrony.

root # emerge chrony

Chrony requires you set an upstream ntp server.

For broadband users:

root # echo "server iburst" >> /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

For dial up or slow connections:

root # echo "server offline" >> /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

Use something like the following for your /etc/chrony/chrony.conf:

maxupdateskew 100
driftfile /etc/chrony/chrony.drift
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
commandkey 1
dumpdir /var/log/chrony
initstepslew 10
logdir /var/log/chrony
log measurements statistics tracking
logchange 0.5
mailonchange 0.5
rtcfile /etc/chrony/chrony.rtc
sched_priority 1

Chronyd can then be started immediately by running rc to start all new services:

Set Time

To test chronyd, set the time immediately, & exit:

root # chronyd -q


To start the chronyd service:

root # rc-update add chronyd default
root # rc

Because Funtoo Linux starts network daemons without waiting for an Internet connection to become available, and because chrony will attempt to synchronize the clock over the Internet when it first starts, you must manually configure chronyd to be dependent on whatever method you use to enable your outbound network connectivity. For example, if using dhcpcd, add the following to /etc/conf.d/chronyd:


You should notice a marked improvement in your system clock's accuracy. If your system time was off by a significant amount, chronyd will gradually correct your clock while the system runs.

Hardware Clock

To write your NTP sync time to the hardware at shutdown, and read hw clock at start.

root # echo 'clock_hctosys="YES"' >> /etc/conf.d/hwclock
root # echo 'clock_systohc="YES"' >> /etc/conf.d/hwclock
root # rc-service hwclock restart
root # rc-update add hwclock boot