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Package:Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)

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Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)


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JRE is oracles java runtime environment. dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin also includes JRE. This package is for running java programs.


root # emerge dev-java/oracle-jre-bin



list java virtual machines:

root # eselect java-vm list

set java virual machine os oracle jre:

root # eselect java-vm set system oracle-jre-bin-1.8

Browser Plugin

list java browser plugins:

root # eselect java-nsplugin list

set java browser plugin to oracle jre:

root # eselect java-nsplugin set 32bit oracle-jre-bin-1.8
root # eselect java-nsplugin set 64bit oracle-jre-bin-1.8


To run java jar packages:

root # java -jar package-to-run.jar