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Lilo linux loader is a boot loader to load linux, and other operating systems. Lilo is called by default when running make install in kernel source directories.
root # emerge lilo
Lilo's default configuration example has hda references, lets change those to sda recursively using sed.
root # sed -i -e 's/hda/sda/' /etc/lilo.conf.example
Now we copy the example configuration to the running configuration.
root # cp /etc/lilo.conf.example /etc/lilo.conf
Loading Initramfs/Initrd
- initramfs/initrd do not require root=, however they must have real_root appendedimage = /boot/bzImage
label = Funtoo-Debsrcs
read-only # read-only for checking
append="quiet real_root=/dev/sda1"
Default OS
To change default booting os.
# MBR to install LILO to:
boot = /dev/sda
map = /boot/.map
default = Funtoo
To have lilo auto start after a set time.
# If you always want to see the prompt with a 15 second timeout:
For silent kernel decompression at boot:
label = Funtoo
read-only # read-only for checking
append = "quiet"
alternate init systems
to load an alternate init system, example systemd instead of openrc:
label = Funtoo-systemd
read-only # read-only for checking
append = "quiet init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd"
Old Configs
It is a good idea to keep an old image around in case problems crop up in new kernel builds.
#image = /boot/bzImage.old
root = /dev/sda3
#root = /devices/discs/disc0/part3
label = funtoo.old
read-only # read-only for checking#
Kernel Linking
Using symlinks is a good idea to be able to determine if the loader is loading the correct image, and enable tab auto completion to ensure we are loading what we intend to. symlinks remove an easy area to fumble when adjusting configurations.
First install of debian sources:
root # ln -s /boot/kernel-debian-sources-* /boot/bzImage
root # ln -s /boot/initramfs-debian-sources-* /boot/init.bzImage
If you have multiple debian sources installed, and compiled, change the * to the exact file name.
root # ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-version /boot/bzImage
root # ln -s /boot/vmlinuz-version.old /boot/bzImage.old
if you do not use make install to copy your kernel to /boot, you must run lilo to load the new kernel images & install lilo to the hard drives mbr
Install lilo to the MBR.
root # lilo
problem: Fatal: First sector of /dev/sda1 doesn't have a valid boot signature solution: delete or comment out un-used blocks at the bottom of /etc/lilo.conf and just leave in the funtoo statements.