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Rtorrent is a command line bittorrent client.


if you intend to use rtorrent with www-apps/rutorrent or another front end make sure you emerge with the xmlrpc flag. (for now we'll also throw in the daemon until proven its not needed. the daemon is strange as its implemented in screen? its probably so you can attach/detach anywhere infinite times.)

root # echo "net-p2p/rtorrent xmlrpc daemon" >> /etc/portage/package.use #xmlrpc use flag for web interface.
root # emerge rtorrent


The $USER should be changed to the torrent user you wish to download as.

   /etc/conf.d/rtorrentd - select user


logged in as the torrent user:

root # cd
root # wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/bryanjswift/1525912/raw/34fe28d70709e6b12840bcede3b82e5ed2abccce/.rtorrent.rc

~/.rtorrent.rc is now an example & running config.

xml rpc

   ~/.rtorrent.rc - turn on xml rpc
scgi_port = localhost:5000


to run:

root # rtorrent

Using rtorrent as a daemon

With screen

screen should be installed with the 'daemon' USE flag so just enable that if you want to use screen.

  • Start rtorrent detached
root # screen -S rtorrent -d -m rtorrent
  • Resume detached session
root # screen -S rtorrent -r
  • Quit detached rtorrent session
root # screen -S rtorrent -X xon
  • Detach current session from this terminal

Ctrl+a d

  • Quit current rtorrent session

Ctrl+a q

With tmux

tmux can be used instead of Screen

  • Start rtorrent session detached (session named 'torrents')
root # tmux new-session -s torrents -n rtorrent -d rtorrent
  • Resume detached session
root # tmux attach -t torrents
  • Quit detached rtorrent session
root # tmux send-keys -t torrents:rtorrent C-q
  • Detach current session from this terminal

Ctrl+b d

  • Quit current rtorrent session
