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Configuring PHP FPM

As we already installed php with fpm support above we just need to adjust the following settings:

user = nginx
group = nginx
pm.start_servers = 20

The other options should all be very well documented, so make it fit your needs.

Configuring xcache

As of xcache-3.1.0, no manual configuration should be necessary, but if you are in need of changing any xcache settings for php-fpm, edit the following file:

  2 xcache.admin.enable_auth="On"
  3 xcache.admin.user="admin"
  4 xcache.admin.pass=""
  5 xcache.cacher="On"
  6 xcache.size="64M"
  7 xcache.count="9"
  8 xcache.slots="8k"
  9 xcache.ttl="0"
 10 xcache.gc_interval="0"
 11 xcache.var_size="8M"
 12 xcache.var_count="1"
 13 xcache.var_slots="8K"
 14 xcache.var_ttl="0"
 15 xcache.var_maxttl="0"
 16 xcache.var_gc_interval="600"
 17 xcache.readonly_protection="Off"
 18 xcache.mmap_path="/dev/zero"
 19 xcache.coverager="On"
 20 xcache.coveragedump_directory="/tmp/coverager"
 21 xcache.optimizer="On"

it might look like that for you, feel free to change the settings, and if you want to be able to log in into the admin interface set the xcache.admin.pass as a md5 encrypted password that you can find out with:

root # php -a
php> echo md5(PASSWORD);

then copy the admin interface to your vhost:

root # cp /usr/share/php/xcache/admin -a /var/www/{VHOST}/htdocs/xcache-admin

Starting the service

Now, start the required services:

root # /etc/init.d/php-fpm start
root # /etc/init.d/nginx start

and make them default:

root # rc-update add php-fpm default
root # rc-update add nginx default