
The Funtoo Linux project has transitioned to "Hobby Mode" and this wiki is now read-only.

Support Funtoo

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Ways You Can Support Funtoo

There are a number of ways you can support Funtoo Linux financially.

  • Sign up for a Funtoo Linux Container (most popular)
  • Monthly Recurring Donation via Credit Card or PayPal
  • PayPal One-Time Donation (via PayPal Account or Credit Card)
  • Bitcoin One-Time Donation

Monthly Recurring Support via Credit Card or PayPal

We use ChargeBee (with support for Credit Card and PayPal) for processing monthly support. Consider signing up for $15/mo or more on this page to request a Funtoo Linux Container. You can also specify a specific recurring donation amount, below:

PayPal One-Time Donation

Bitcoin One-Time Donation

We also accept bitcoin via You can access the Bitcoin page here:



We will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, give out or sell your information to anyone.

We use only companies which practice secure processing of online funds so that you, as a client or supporter, can be assured that your private information will be safe and secure.


For Funtoo Monthly Support, if you wish to change your support level or cancel your support, simply contact us and we will apply the changes to take effect before the next billing cycle. Monthly Support is non-refundable.


To change your subscription, or if you have any questions regarding your subscription, please contact container support at