
The Funtoo Linux project has transitioned to "Hobby Mode" and this wiki is now read-only.


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Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Maintainer of some ebuilds and projects


Name: Raphael Bastos

Nick: @coffnix

Github: https://github.com/coffnix

Telegram: @coffnix

Funtoo-Friendly Organization: https://www.funtoo.org/Organization:%C3%81rea31_Hackerspace

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6359072835353618

Member since: 11/08/2013

City/Country: Belo Horizonte-MG / Braszil

Mini CV: Former Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering student, one of the authors of SlackBook-ptBR (the official Slackware Linux book) [1], founder of the Slackware Users Group from Minas Gerais (GUS-MG) [2], editor and maintainer of SlackZine [3], speaker at national events and organizer of the events II Oficina Livre, Slackware Show Brasil together with BHACK Conference and together with H2HC (Hackers to Hackers Conference/University) [4], Funtoo Linux staff [5] and founder of Área 31 Hackerspace. He currently works providing technology consulting. He has experience researching, building and improving operating systems, assembling and hacking 3D scanners, 3D printers and general electronics. Lover of UNIX, Linux, BSD and hybrid systems such as Gentoo and Funtoo Linux. Attended Higher School of War[6]
