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Install/Download LiveCD/en

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Install Guide: Download LiveCD

Install Guide, Chapter 1 < Prev Next >

In order to install Funtoo Linux, you will first need to boot your computer using a Linux-based image. This image is called a "LiveCD" for historical reasons, because historically people booted into Linux on new systems by burning an ISO image to a CD or DVD using a CD/DVD writer. This is still possible to do, if you prefer to use this method. However, most people these days will tend to use USB flash media (aka a "USB stick") for convenience, which can be written to using the standard dd command.

When installing Funtoo Linux on x86-64bit, we highly recommend the official Funtoo Linux LiveCD/LiveUSB, which can always be downloaded here:

While any modern bootable Linux image should be sufficient to install Funtoo Linux, the Funtoo LiveCD has several advantages over other options. Because it natively runs Funtoo Linux, and includes our official debian-sources kernel with very good hardware support, the hardware it supports is going to match the hardware that Funtoo Linux supports -- thus allowing you to identify any hardware compatibility issues immediately.

In addition, our LiveCD is regularly updated, and includes NetworkManager which allows the use of the easy nmtui command to configure your network. It also includes our innovative Fchroot tool, which allows you to use QEMU to "chroot" into non-x86 systems such as arm-64bit and riscv-64bit. This allows the Funtoo LiveCD to be used to even rescue and set up systems with different instruction sets!

Once downloaded, to copy it to a USB flash drive for booting, use the following command:

root # dd if=funtoo-livecd-20220521-2138.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4k status=progress oflag=sync

Of course, you will need to change /dev/sdX to point to the block device of the USB stick on your system.

Network Access

For steps on setting up network access from the LiveCD, please see the Funtoo:New Install Experience/LiveCD page.

Remote Install

Alternatively, you can log into your bootable environment over the network via SSH to perform the install from another computer, and this may be more convenient way to install Funtoo Linux.

First ensure that sshd is running. You may need to start sshd as follows:

root # /etc/init.d/sshd start

If you'd like to complete the install remotely, here's how. First, you will need to ensure that your bootable CD/USB image has a functioning network connection. Then, you will need to set a root password:

root # passwd
New password: ********
Retype new password: ********
passwd: password updated successfully

Once you have typed in a password, you will now need to determine the IP address of the bootable system, and then you can use ssh to connect to it. To determine the IP address currently being used by the LiveCD, type ifconfig:

root # ifconfig

Alternatively, determining of an IP address is possible with iproute2 ip tool:

root # ip addr show

One of the interfaces should have an IP address (listed as inet addr:) from your LAN. You can then connect remotely, from another system on your LAN, your bootable environment, and perform steps from the comfort of an existing OS. On your remote system, type the following, replacing with the IP address of the LiveCD. Connecting from an existing Linux or MacOS system would look something like this:

remote system $ ssh root@
Password: **********

If you'd like to connect remotely from an existing Microsoft Windows system, you'll need to download an SSH client for Windows, such as OpenSSH.

After you've logged in via SSH, you're now connected remotely to the LiveCD and can perform the installation steps.

Install Guide, Chapter 1 < Prev Next >