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Install/Prepare Disk/zh-tw

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安裝教學: 準備硬碟

Install Guide, Chapter 2 < Prev Next >

在這個章節,你需要選擇一個MBR或UEFI/GPT之中選擇一個硬碟格式,如果你不太熟悉這兩者之間的差別,請參考 Disk Formats以了解更多,大致上在小於2.2TB硬碟之下選擇legacy MBR方法會通常沒什麼問題,大多數的現代Pc系統同時支援MBR和UEFI啟動。

MBR is the traditional way of booting a PC. It works by installing executable code on the boot sector of your hard drive, which starts the boot process. When you use MBR to boot, you must have BIOS booting enabled in your BIOS, use traditional MBR partitions on your disk which are created using the fdisk tool.

UEFI is the more modern way to boot a PC. It works using a boot loader that is built into your computer. Boot entries are created and stored in your computer's non-volatile memory. When you use UEFI to boot, you must have UEFI enabled in your BIOS, and use more modern GPT partitions which are created using the gdisk tool.

Generally, it's usually safe to pick the legacy MBR method for system disks under 2TB in size and most modern PC systems support MBR as well as UEFI booting.


For more information on differences between MBR and UEFI, see our Disk Formats page for an overview of each option and the trade-offs.


在對硬碟做任何的變更之前,請確保你選擇了正確的目標,使用 lsblk 指令來查看你系統上的所有硬碟(block devices),以及在這些硬碟上的所有分區。

root # lsblk
sda             8:0    0  1.8T  0 disk 
├─sda1          8:1    0  512M  0 part 
├─sda2          8:2    0    8G  0 part [SWAP]
└─sda3          8:3    0  1.8T  0 part 
  ├─main-root 254:0    0  500G  0 lvm  /
  └─main-data 254:1    0  1.3T  0 lvm  /home

If you're not sure which disks are which, you can use lsblk -o MODEL,NAME,SIZE to show the device models matching the /dev/sd? names.

確保你不會把任何重要資料複寫掉而且選擇了正確的 /dev/sd? 裝置,在上面的範例中,你可以看到 sda 包含三個分割區 sda1, sda2sda3而且sda3包含LVM分割。


Install Guide, Chapter 2 < Prev Next >