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User:Coffnix/VIM Tips

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Here are some uses within the text editor via the command line, VI:

Deletes multiple lines that start with certain characters:


Delete determined no. of characters:


Insert a character at the beginning of the line:




Insert a character at the end of the line:




Wrap the line based on a given separator:


Insert the contents of the file at this point:

:r <file>

Replaces the first occurrence of characters in the file:


Replaces all characters in the file:


Replace (999 with (NULL:


After selecting the information block, to indent with two spaces:


After selecting the information block, to indent with two spaces less:

:s/^ //

Delete all characters before the word "Typer" from the file:


Delete all characters before the word "Typer" from a line:


Removes automatic line wrapping from VI:

:set nowrap

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